Since 1939, the Boys & Girls Club of El Dorado has impacted the lives of thousands of our area’s young people.
Former Club members contribute to our community in many different ways: educators, business leaders, doctors, attorneys,
politicans, law enforcement officers, manufacturing workers, and Boys & Girls Club volunteers. Join our Alumni Facebook Group,                                                       Boys & Girls Club of El Dorado Alumni Association, to connect with other alumni!

The Allumni Association was created in 1992 with the Hall of Fame. In 2002, the Boys & Girls Club of El Dorado Alumni
Association was incorporated to help support and promote the Club and its membership: Since that time, more then $175,000
has been raised by the Alumni Association for the various projects listed below.

Membership Information:
The 2016 membership drive is under way. A minimum of $25 is all it takes to join, and you do not have to be a former Club
member to be eligible. All proceeds paid to the Boys & Girls Club of El Dorado Alumni Association

Supported Projects:
Boys & Girls Club Hall of Fame
Chesley Pruet Memorial Benefit Golf Tournament sponsored by Bancorp South
Boys & Girls Club of El Dorado Youth of the Year Banquet
Bubba Colbin Youth of the Year Scholarship
Alumni Association Youth of the Year Scholarship
Knox White Youth of the Year Scholarship

Membership Levels:

*All gifts are tax deductible

Boys & Girls Club of El Dorado Alumni Association Board of Directors:
President – Matthew Shpherd
Treasurer – Ralph Langston
George Fennell
Chris Hegi
Cecil Kellum
Alan Meadows
John David Turbeville
Will Vance

Hall of Fame Inductees:
1992 – Jim Mooty
1993 – Wayne Harris
1996 – Chesley Pruet and William C. Nolan
1997 – Donna Axum Whitworth
2002 – Alva Waddell,Cecil Kellum, and Jolley “Hap” Hanry
2003 – Charles H. Murphy, Jr.
2004 – J. Thomas May
2005 – Robert G. Dudley and Dr. Don B. Echols
2008 – Knox White
2010 – Joe Hickman
2012 – Al Miller